IJAV: State of emergency cannot be an excuse for arresting journalists

02. Apr 2020

We believe that the main message of such moves by the authorities in Serbia is to intimidate the public

Saznaj više

Fejsbuk će uložiti 300 miliona dolara u novinarstvo

15. Jan 2019

Pretaživač Gugl je u martu 2018. godine takođe najavio 300 miliona dolara investicija u seriju projekata u borbi protiv lažnih vesti u cilju podrške medijima koji se smatraju pouzdanim.

Saznaj više

Journalist and media associations to the international public: The situation in the media in Serbia is dramatically bad

21. Oct 2018

The Coalition of Journalists and Media Associations sent a letter to international organizations and institutions in which they were introduced to very serious problems in the sphere of media freedom and media pluralism in Serbia

Saznaj više

The demands of journalist and media associations to the Serbian Government’s Coordination Body for cooperation with media

16. Aug 2018

The situation is becoming increasingly complicated every day and it is badly affecting journalists and the media, media freedom and the right of citizens to be professionally and objectively informed.

Saznaj više