07. Jul 2022
Na svečanosti u Bundestagu novinarki VOICE-a Ivani Gordić Perc uručena je nagrada solidarnosti za najbolje novinare Jugoistočne Evrope, koju joj je dodelilo Društvo za jugoistočnu Evropu (Asocijacija naučnika i parlamentaraca nemačkog Bundestaga).
Na otvaranju ceremonije potpredsednik Društva za jugoistočnu Evropu i član Slobodne demokratske partije Tomas Haker rekao je da postojanje demokratije nije moguće bez slobode medija.
On je upozorio da sloboda medija nikada više nije bila u opasnosti, kao i da je istraživačko novinarstvo postalo meta za zastrašivanje. Izveštavanje Ivane Gordić Perc opisao je kao “ekspresan glas za javnost sa izuzetnom hrabrošću. Inspiracija za sve zbog istrajnosti u izveštavanju na temu Ling Longa.”
U svom obraćanju u Budestagu Ivana Gordić Perc osvrnula se na svoje iskustvo u izveštavanju o fabrici guma Ling Long i radničkih prava vijetnamskih radnika. Zbog ove situacije, ona je istakla da su danas u Srbiji institucije potpuno urušene i devastirane.
“To je uzrok slučaja korupcije kao što je Linglong. Ali ni mi novinari, ni aktivisti ne možemo sami da se izborimo sa ovom vrstom nepravde. Treba nam pomoć. U tom smislu, današnju nagradu doživljavam kao štit. Nije bilo lako i prijatno biti fotografisan, praćen, zastrašivan i gonjen kao divlja životinja. Smatram da je to deo opisa mog posla. I ne plašim se”, rekla je Ivana Gordić Perc.
Novinarka VOICE-a kazla je da, nažalost, još uvek nema odgovara na mnoga pitanja koja su postavljana proteklih meseci u vezi sa radom i ophođenjem prema radnicima u Ling Longu.
“Svi oni će se na kraju vratiti kućama, a da njihovo iskustvo nije upisano u zvanične protokole Srbije. Na kraju će biti kao da se ništa nije dogodilo”, kazala je Ivana Gordić Perc.
U diskusiji na temu izveštavanja u jugoistočnoj Evropi, Ivana Gordić Perc je pomenula i činjenicu da Zrenjanin nema vodu već 18 godina, opisujući život u Zrenjaninu pored Ling Longa, kao i poveznicu između kineskog uticaja i politike u Srbiji.

“Naš današnji susret mi daje nadu. Nažalost, u našoj zemlji nemamo nikoga ko bi nas podržao u našoj borbi za slobodu govoram ,što je preduslov demokratskog društva. Stoga, ako želite da Srbija postane bolje mesto za život i jednog dana deo EU zajednice, moraćete da uradite svoj deo posla na najbolji način. Za ovo kratko vreme koliko sam vas upoznala i komunicirala sa vama znam da to možete”, kazala je Ivana Gordić Perc.
Nagrada za solidarnost(SOG), koja je prvi put dodeljena 2021. godine, ima za cilj da oda počast izvanrednom radu novinara iz jugoistočne Evrope i priznanje njihovom doprinosu, unapređenju demokratije, vladavine prava i slobode štampe. SOG ovom nagradom želi da pokaže da stoji uz one koji se zalažu za naše evropske vrednosti kao što su sloboda štampe i sloboda izražavanja.
Podsetimo, prošle godine ovu nagradu dobili su Dragan Bursać, jedan od kolumnista Autonomije i frilens novinarka sa Kosova Uni Hajdari.
VOICE journalist Ivana Gordić Perc won Solidarity Award 2022 for Journalists from Southeast Europe
At a ceremony in the Bundestag, VOICE journalist Ivana Gordić Perc received the solidarity award for the best journalists in Southeast Europe, which was awarded to her by the Society for Southeast Europe (Association of Scientists and Parliamentarians of the German Bundestag).
At the opening of the ceremony, the vice-president of the Association for Southeast Europe and a member of the Free Democratic Party, Thomas Hacker, said that the existence of democracy is not possible without media freedom.
He believes that media freedom has never been in danger like at this moment, and that investigative journalism has become a target for intimidation. He described reporting of Ivana Gordić Perc as an “express voice for the public with exceptional courage. An inspiration to all for persistence in reporting on Ling Long.”
In her speech at the Bundestag, Ivana Gordić Perc reflected on her experience in reporting on the Ling Long tire factory and the rights of Vietnamese workers. Because of this situation, she states that the institutions in Serbia today are completely collapsed and devastated.
“That is the cause of corruption cases like Linglong. But neither journalists nor activists can fight this type of injustice alone. We need help. In that sense, I see today’s award as a shield. It was not easy and pleasant to be photographed, followed, intimidated, and chased like wild animals. I consider it part of my job description. And I’m not afraid”, said Ivana Gordić Perc.
The VOICE reporter said that, unfortunately, there are still no answers to the many questions that have been asked in recent months regarding the work and treatment of workers at Ling Long.
“All of them will eventually return home, without their experience being recorded in the official protocols of Serbia. In the end, it will be as if nothing happened”, said Ivana Gordić Perc.
In the discussion about reporting in Southeast Europe, Ivana Gordić Perc also mentioned the fact that Zrenjanin has had no water for 18 years, describing life in Zrenjanin next to Ling Long, as well as the link between Chinese influence and politics in Serbia.
“Our meeting today gives me hope. Unfortunately, we have no one in our country who would support us in our fight for freedom of speech as a prerequisite for a democratic society. Therefore, if you want Serbia to become a better place to live and one day become a part of the EU community, you will have to do your part in the best way. In the short time that I have met you and communicated with you, I know that you can do it”, said Ivana Gordić Perc.
The Solidarity Award (SOG), which was awarded for the first time in 2021, aims to honor the outstanding work of journalists from Southeast Europe and recognize their contribution to the advancement of democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of the press. With this award, SOG wants to show that it stands with those who stand for our European values such as freedom of the press and freedom of expression.
Let us remind you that last year this award was given to Dragan Bursać, one of Autonomija’s columnists, and Uni Hajdari, a freelance journalist from Kosovo.
Svetlana Paramentić (VOICE)